Retirement Secrets
7 Secrets to retiring like a multi-millionaire
How do multi-millionaires retire? Learn how to take advantage of the same retirement secrets that multi-millionaires use every single day. The secrets of multi-millionaires are surprisingly simple, but if you don’t understand the basics it can be intimidating or overwhelming to get started. Waiting to make these changes because you're intimidated is a big mistake.
It’s time to peek behind the curtain and boost your knowledge so you can pursue the retirement you want.

Secret #1:
What’s your ideal retirement scenario?
It’s your dream, dream big.
There’s a big problem with most people’s retirement scenarios: it doesn’t feel like a relief, it feels like anxiety. Finish Line meets so many folks who are constantly worried so much about reaching a baseline threshold that they don’t even stop to think about what their ideal retirement looks like.

Secret #2
How to prepare for the worst-case retirement scenario
You’ll be OK.
People waste a ton of time wondering what the worst-case scenario might be for their retirement. Why do we say waste? It’s not because it isn’t prudent to stress-test your retirement plans. It’s because they’re worried about the wrong things.
Instead of a bunch of abstract worries about how long your money will last or if the stock market taking a dip will hurt your retirement, we propose that there’s a big, overlooked item that you actually need to prepare for.

Secret #3
Why alternative investments are so important
The first rule of investing like a multi-millionaire? Diversify
The stock market can feel like a roller coaster – and not in a good way. At times it can feel like a white knuckle, terrifying ride. While that can be fun for an afternoon, it’s not a great way to go through your pre-retirement years. Are there alternatives? There absolutely are! Here’s why we always like to take a look at alternative investments.

Secret #4
Mind the
(healthcare) gap
It’s time to think about your insurance options
As we get older, healthcare plays a larger and larger role in our lives. That’s why it can be so scary for some folks when the possibility of a gap between early retirement and access to medicare happens at age 65. The good news? If you’re proactive then this likely won’t become a problem.
Whether it’s COBRA, private insurance, or another option, there are plenty of ways to deal with a possible healthcare gap. We evaluate the best options depending on your scenario and give you a plan for how to proceed.
Ready to learn how to retire like a multi-millionaire?

Secret #5
Set your family up for success
So much of retirement is spent thinking about how we will take care of ourselves that sometimes our loved ones get lost in the shuffle. That can be a problem when talking about leaving a legacy for a spouse, children, or other loved ones. It’s important to make it easy for your family so you don’t end up with a mess later.

Secret #6
Can I actually count on social security?
Here’s how to maximize your social security benefit
It seems like social security is constantly in the news. Does it work? Will it run out? How can you maximize your own SS so that it fits into your retirement plan? It doesn’t help that there are so many options for how to disperse your SS -- with very little difference evident to a casual observer.
We will take a deep dive into how to maximize your social security options. We’ll give you the scenarios that might come up and how to deal with them. Think of this as a handy guide for navigating a pretty complex task. It’s time to finally nail down a plan so that you can think about your retirement without anxiety or fear. We’re here to put the security back into social security.

Secret #7
Moving from money going in, to money coming out
How to make the big shift.
People spend their whole life saving money for retirement, but just before it happens there’s a big shift. Instead of money going into your account, money starts coming out of your account. Seems obvious, right? It’s a little more complex than you might imagine. That’s why it’s so important that as you get closer to retirement age that generating retirement income stays at the front of your mind.